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Economic Round Table


Although the original main objective of the group was the study and discussion of current economic problems, through the medium of specially prepared papers and the informal discussion of the subject presented.

Over the years the topics discussed have broadened to include any topic of interest to the member.

By virtue of his Active Membership, each member is generally expected to present a paper each year and to regularly attend the weekly meetings. Inactive members may also present papers.

Members with an Inactive status who wish to again become an Active participant in the Round Table may apply for and will be given preferential treatment when a vacancy occurs.

The affiliation of a member is of value to the individual and the group only to the extent that he makes his personal contribution.

Two special members-only evening meetings are held each year, one at the beginning of the year and the other before we adjourn for the summer.

At the summer meeting, prizes called “Durwards” (in honor of Durward Howes) are awarded for the papers voted best of the year. Inactive members are always invited and are welcome to attend.

These meetings along with the weekly associations have developed a close bond of friendship among members that is unequaled in any similar organization.

Rounders' papers often lead them down new paths.

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