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Economic Round Table

Past Presidents’ Advisory

Dear Fellow Rounders,

            This revered association began meeting more than 90 years ago as a small group of men sought to improve their understanding of economic events by sharing time and ideas.  Today, uncertainties and misgivings some of us see in our tenth decade must be similar to thoughts of Durward Howes and his cohorts when they met for their first breakfast in 1932.

            ERT has continued, even strengthened, because its members exalt certain virtues of this small society, while eschewing conduct which might be detrimental to its central goals.  Our purpose in this missive is to advise and assist all members, particularly new colleagues, on the topics of soliciting other Rounders and self-promotion in pursuit of commercial or business interests.

            No doubt the founders of ERT hoped to improve their business and financial standing through their weekly gatherings.  But each of us can recount distasteful experiences in other organizations where members are solicited or promoted as potential clients, customers, contributors or investors.

            From the outset, ERT has operated by principles which tend to bring the group together, improve personal relationships and encourage communications.  The activities we advise against are those which have potential to divide or to split members apart rather than bring them together.

            These are guidelines we encourage you to apply in all aspects of ERT communications, whether in presentations to the group or in private contacts with individual members.  Honoring such standards will assure the most vital and lasting relationships with those who assemble each Thursday morning and value your presence.

                                                                                                Respectfully yours,

                                                                                                The Past Presidents

                                                                                                (Adapted from 2012)

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