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Economic Round Table

ERT Founding Members

From The Economic Round Table 1932-2007
Philip V. Swan, ERT Historian

Edward Stevens Shattuck

Ed was a decorated veteran of World War One and World War Two, an internationally recognized legislator and a noted supporter of the Republican Party. He was a founder of the Economic Round Table in 1932 and was President in 1947-48. He was President of the Los Angeles Junior Chamber of Commerce in 1932 at the age of 31.

He was born in Los Angeles in 1901 and received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California at Berkeley in 1923. Ed then earned a law degree at the University of Southern California, graduating in 1926. He founded three law firms in sub­sequent years, and his name was always on the shingle. One longtime partner was Hugh Darling, Mayor of Beverly Hills and a fellow member of ERT.

At 17, Ed served as a private in the Twenty-Ninth Combat Engineers in World War One. He was an Army colonel in World War Two and earned the Bronze Star and the Legion of Merit award. He was named General Counsel of the War Manpower Commission.

In the light of current events, it is interesting that he represented the American Bar Association in 1955 at the first Geneva Convention, which mandated the equitable treat­ment of prisoners taken in wartime. He was President of the American Legion in Los Angeles and a member of the Republican National Committee.

Ed was a member of the California Club, the Los Angeles Country Club, the Lincoln Club and Town Hall. His first wife, Mary Jane, died early in 1961 after a long illness and he married Eleanor Dofflemyre later that year. He died in 1965, leaving two married daughters.

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